Arizona Diamondbacks Unveil $25 D-Back Dog

The Arizona Diamondbacks have unveiled the latest culinary delight available to baseball fans — the $25 D-Back Dog. According to, the D-Back Dog is, “an 18-inch corn dog stuffed with cheddar cheese, jalapeños and bacon, served with a side of fries.” That sounds…amazing! On paper, the D-Back Dog is sheer genius; corn dogs are an American invention, cheese completely rules, jalapeños are awesome, and bacon is one of man’s greatest inventions. While $25 is a lot of money for a concession-stand treat, the D-Back Dog sounds like one of those things that’s so ridiculous that it must be tried at least once.

What do you think of the Arizona Diamonbacks’ D-Back Dog? Are you intrigued? Would you pay $25 for one? Leave a comment below and let me know (please!).


Author: RPadTV

One thought on “Arizona Diamondbacks Unveil $25 D-Back Dog”

  1. BSU could probably eat two of these in one sitting. I’d only take a bite or two before my arteries say: “screw you, we’re done here.”


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