Constantine Trailer is Shockingly Good (NBC)

John Constantine has always been one of the coolest and most interesting characters in the world of DC Comics. For those of you not familiar with the character, he’s a chain-smoking occult expert that specializes in dark sorcery and snarky comments. Constantine is probably the first guy in the DC Universe that you’d want to have a beer with. He’s just…frickin’ cool, but underneath his cynicism and sardonic wit lies a heart of gold. Despite all the crap he talks, his reputation as a conman, and his dark outlook on life, Constantine wants to make the world a better place. Like I said, cool and interesting.

Sadly, some people have a bad impression of the character due to the mediocre Constantine movie starring Keanu Reeves and Shawn LeBeef Shia LeBeouf. NBC aims to make television viewers realize how awesome the character is with the upcoming Constantine television series. I was curious about the show, but after watching the trailer (embedded below), I’m genuinely excited for it. Yes, it’s only a trailer, but NBC’s Constantine looks like a fun blend of drama, special effects, and snarky dialogue. Welshman Matt Ryan appears to have the Constantine character down perfectly (sorry Keanu, a Yank can’t adequately portray Constantine). The visuals flashed in the trailer looked creepy and surprisingly macabre for television. The tone of the show just feels right — a potentially great adaptation of the antihero people loved from the Swamp Thing and Hellblazer comics.

When you have a chance, please check out the trailer below and let me know what you think of it. Are you interested or excited for NBC’s Constantine? Or do you think that the character will burn in the pits of Hades, like so many other television adaptations of comics characters have? Leave a comment and let me know (please!).

Author: RPadTV